Henry Cavill’s Superman Suit Was Supposed to be a Different Color, Zack Snyder Changed it: “It’s a friendlier suit”

Zack Snyder breathed a new life into DC with a fresh take on Superman. With Henry Cavill assuming the role of the Kryptonian, Snyder’s Man of Steel deviated from the traditional interpretations of the character. The director also used a different costume for Superman. He later clarified why Henry Cavill’s Superman did not don the classic black Kryptonian armor in the film.

Henry Cavill
Man of Steel actor Henry Cavill

Man of Steel also added other intriguing elements to the Superman story, such as codex and the Kryptonian language. In the comics, Superman’s costume usually comes from the blanket in which Kal-El arrives on Earth. With time, the backstory of the suit has also changed, and Henry Cavill’s Superman sported a typical Kryptonian suit featuring the iconic “S” on the chest.

Zack Snyder Explains The Reason Behind The Different Color

In the film, several Kryptonians, including General Zod and Faora, can be seen sporting black armor. During Vero watch party for Man of Steel, Zack Snyder shared an interesting detail about why Henry Cavill’s suit is red and blue rather than black.

Zack Snyder said (via Heroic Hollywood):

“The House of El’s family suit would be the black suit, but the suit facing out into the public, the suit he says ‘you’ll help them attain wonders,’ that suit is the suit of optimism in my opinion. The red and blue suit, to me, is more inclusive. It’s a friendlier suit.”

Man of Steel (2013)
Man of Steel (2013)

Snyder explained that the story of the film is centered on a young boy who realizes his powers, finds out about his otherworldly origins, and sets on a path to understand his purpose. As he becomes a man, the emergence of his heroic identity becomes important to save the world from evil, ultimately becoming a symbol of hope for Earthlings.

The film also features Amy Adams as Lois Lane, Michael Shannon as General Zod, Laurence Fishburne as Perry White, Diane Lane as Martha Kent (Clark’s mother), and Kevin Costner as Jonathan Kent (Clark’s father).

Zack Snyder’s Rebel Moon To Get Special Director’s Cut

Zack Snyder’s Rebel Moon is confirmed to be a two-part release. The film will feature an original space opera with a world packed with interesting characters. Besides, Snyder and Netflix have also announced a special director’s cut version for each film. These films will offer an hour of additional content for the fans.

Rebel Moon
Rebel Moon

He said in a Netflix Tudum interview:

“The director’s cut is close to an hour of extra content, so I think it’s a legitimate extended universe version. You really get to see a lot. It’s just more painted-in all the way. The director’s [cut] is a settle-in deep dive, which I have notoriously done throughout my career. I don’t know how I got into this director’s cut thing, but what I will say about it is that, for me, the director’s cuts have always been something I had to fight for in the past and nobody wanted it.”

Rebel Moon – Part One: A Child of Fire will be released on December 22, 2023, followed by Rebel Moon – Part Two: The Scargiver, on April 19, 2024, exclusively on Netflix.

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